UPD: ffmpeg builds I shared were added just to show encoder is no a myth, but as FFmpeg (or at least some guys from the community) has something against I had to remove repo…s o all github links below invalid, sorry
In the previous post I forgot to mention the problem I mentioned couple times before – Quality. Its not always easy to detect by eye big difference, but I have some test files where any of ffmpeg prores encoders really fails.
I uploaded one to github if you want to check:
and you can see how badly ffmpeg encodes it if you want Proxy profile:

ffmpeg -i 1.bmp -c:v prores_ks -profile:v -pix_fmt yuv422p10le ks.mov
as you see both looks quite blury (aw looks better but as I said before there is nothing about rate control and aw guarantees nothing except correct bitstream)
Thats how looks same frame encoded with encoder I made:

ffmpeg -i 1.bmp -c:v prores_amcdx -profile:v -pix_fmt yuv422p10le amcdx.mov
I uploaded all 3 mov files so you can compare results by yourself:
I also do believe you have your own test footage which you want to try encoder with, so I built ffmpeg master branch and added one more Prores Encoder, so you can test and check results . Usage:
ffmpeg.exe -i 1.bmp -c:v prores_amcdx -profile:v 5 -pix_fmt yuv444p12le xq.mov
profiles same as others ffmpeg Prores encoders: 0 – Proxy, 1 – LT, 2 – Standard, 3 – HQ, 4 – 4444, 5 – XQ
supported pixel formats: uyvy422, yuv422p10le, yuv422p12le, yuv444p12le
I do believe my encoder still have some bugs, so If you face any do not hesitate to message me