Cuda optimized ProRes decoder V0.2b

After I released the early beta I received a couple of messages. Most of them to be fair something like: “80fps I`m not impressed…”
But there was one message from a company which as well work on GPU optimized decoder/encoder. And to be fair it’s good to know someone else works on it as probably at some point I hope to have a chance to compare performance/quality.
I don’t have much info on what exactly they try to do (most probably just optimize FFmpeg version) but as far as I know, their initial goals to be able to decode/encode 1000 fps ProRes 4:2:2 HD.

As my decoder is in the early-stage and the encoder way behind of decoder, I still not sure if 1000 is a limit, but I guess it will be the first goal I will try to achieve.

Even though I didn’t have much time last weeks I was inspired but the fact someone else works on it, so today I ready to release a new version of the decoder.

V0.2b is still early beta it still decodes only Progressive frames, but it’s twice faster than the previous version. (~150fps 4K and ~ 610fps HD)

API was not changed