Tag Archives: ProRes Tools

AMCDX Video Patcher v0.1.0

AMCDX Video Patcher v0.1.0 officially released.
The main update is Performance optimizations… Now decoder is almost x10 faster and encoder x5 faster. which allows decode and encode 4k content realtime even on 4 cores machines

Also added timecode display and Audio playback

Bugs fixed:
1) Crash on open file with alpha (files not supported yet but no crash)
2) Crash on Open file with a width which not aligned to 16
3) Audio bit depth detection
4) Crash when trying to open a file if edit “In Progress”
5) Show error message when attempted to open Mov file without prores content

1) Performance optimization (multithreaded ProRes decoding and encoding, realtime playback of 4K footage)
2) Audio playback
3) Show current frame / timecode during playback
4) Show name/path of current file

Whats next?
Next will be File to File insert eg:
1) insert one or more frames from one ProRes file to another
2) Insert Rectangle from (eg Picture in Picture)

OSX Installer
Windows Installer

AMCDX Video Patcher V0.0.5

I finally found some time to release AMCDX Video Patcher v0.0.5
the video above shows newly added features.

Release notes:

1) Added “Save to PNG” functionality that allows you to save selected part of ProRes frame to PNG image (16 bit per component)
2) Added “Insert from PNG” functionality that allows you to replace selected rectangle by an image from PNG file

1) Fixed various UI bugs
2) Fixed MOV reader crash
3) Fixed color Matrix detection

Note: there are a lot AVX2 optimizations so app will crash if CPU does not support AVX2

Mac OS Installer

Windows Installer

AMCDX Video Patcher v0.0.3

Its almost week left after v0.0.1 was released and as I said before it was more proof of concept.
I got some feedback and bug reports and I`m ready to release version 0.0.3

What`s done?
1) added support of ProRes in MXF files (op1a and op-atom)
2) significantly improved Blur and decoder Performace
3) fixed YUV422 chrominance blur
4) fixed support of MOVs > 4GB
5) fixed various UI bugs
6) Added Windows Installer
7) Notarized Mac OS installer

Mac OS Installer

Windows Installer

AMCDX Video Patcher

Today I decided to release the first version of the tool I work on. To be fair its more like a proof of concept but still, id love to have some feedback so decided to share it

So currently It can:

1) open and playback MOV files with ProRes encoded Video

2) decode selected rectangle, blur it, encode and record back (so you can easily blur a face or anything else you don’t like on your final video)

Its still in progress and current implementation just shared to prove couple things:
1) we can easily edit files in-place
2) if we need to edit just exact rectangle we don’t need to decode and later encode back whole frame
3) obviously instead of blur we can add any effect needed or just replace part of the frame with a new one (for example its possible to add logo)

I uploaded OSX installer to GitHub and plan to upload Windows version tomorrow:


P.S. It s still in an experimental mode so I would recommend copying a file you try to edit it

I added short Video which demonstrates how it can be used

Prores tools updates

I didn’t write last time as was quite busy and unfortunately didn’t work a lot on announced tools as still doing my main contract and literally have max 2 hours a day to do my project :(.

Nevertheless, as there was high interest I want to post some updates:

  1. I finally finished ProRes decoder which needed for a lot of reasons (playback, transcode as we need to stop decoding before doing IDCT, in-place edit as we need to decode just some of the slices, not whole frame)
  2. I finished MOV demuxer which based on the project I started here (https://github.com/da8eat/qtfile_pp) never committed updates though but at least you can see the main idea
  3. I made huge progress on MOV muxer (also based on GitHub project mentioned above)
  4. I finished basic UI (Qt/qml based)
    ProRes Tools UI

5. I implemented GLSL shaders for Video Renderer

Next couple of months I`m going to finish the Player and MOV muxer, and after that, finally, start features integration.

First one will be ProRes to ProRes transcode (for example transcode HQX to Proxy profile)

The second one will be in-place ProRes editing (I plan to detect faces on video and blur all detected faces in the input file without video re-encoding and file re-muxing)