There was big enough interest in the Command Line version of AMCDX Video Patcher so at some point I made a fast solution to be able to run the app in command line mode. The only problem it still had all UI (Qt) dependencies. I finally found some free time and made UI less CLI version. JSON structure and implemented features are the same
NOTE: when you pass JSON as a string don’t forget to handle correctly string in the string case. eg:
./AMCDXVideoPatcherCLI “{“processor”: “mov_meta”} ” is wrong
./AMCDXVideoPatcherCLI “{\”processor\”: \”mov_meta\”}” is correct
AMCDXVideoPatcherCLI Windows x86_ 64
AMCDXVideoPatcherCLI OSX x86_64
AMCDXVideoPatcherCLI Centos x86_64