I decided to post a roadmap of features planned on this 2020 year
1) [File To File] VC3 to VC3 (MOV, MXF) – Done
2) [File To File] AVCI to AVCI (MOV, MXF) – In Progress
3) [Metadata Editor] MOV Edit list editing
4) [Metadata Editor] MXF Metadata Editing – In Progress
5) [File To File] Apply to File stored on AWS S3 – In Progress
6) [File To File] Apply to File stored on Google Drive
P.S. Feature requests for the year 2021 can be posted in the comments for this post
Hi Alex,
This is great stuff man. Any idea when you might have the mxf metadata editing ready? I have a file that I desperately need to change the video data levels so that Premiere reads it properly. Thanks!
I plan to finish VC3 this week and start mxf next week
That’s awesome! This is a great program, man!
Premiere is hard coded for DNxHR and ProRes.
ProRes is always limited levels and DNxHR 422 is limited and 444 is full (MOV and MXF). Header change won’t help, nor any levels overwrite in Premiere as it has no such an option. Best it to write to Adobe to change from this behaviour to reading flags.
not sure who told you that but its wrong… prores could be full range as well as video. more than that Prores is YUV codec and even the official Apple api accepts YUV on input (V210, V216, yuv2 so on) so basically, the codec is not responsible for color space conversion and knows nothing if full or video range was passed as an input.
different question if you pass RGB as an input. In that case, it will be converted to YUV but its a different story as only amateurs do it
It’s not about what DNxHR/ProRes can be, but how Premiere interprets it on import. Premiere has hard coded rules and doesn’t read headers.
Resolve for example does properly read DNxHR flags (ProRes is always limited by default, but this can be changed in clip attributes). In Premiere full range ProRes= wrong levels and only way to fix it is to actually correct it with grading. They should really introduce levels settings, like Resolve and other NLEs have.
and luckily we are not limited by Premiere… Media Composer reads and interprets descriptors well. Nuke and Nuke Studio does it as well and its a matter of time when Premiere and others will fix it
great thanks for non AVX2 computers.
MXF Metadata Editing would be absolutely fantastic.
I’m wondering, since there are so many flavors of MXF – which ones are you looking at first?
I can imagine this quickly becoming a rabbit hole – so best of luck with this. Very excited to see what you can come up with^^.
op1a and op-atom to start
Fantastic! I’ll be following this closely.
Thanks for your efforts!
+1 for MXF metadata. Really need this. Any idea when it might be ready?
Im going to start to work on MXF metadata next week.
basically I can release a minor version every time I implemented more properties to edit, but I didnt decided yet priorities, probably will start with primaries/transfer/matrix
Hi Alex,
Any word on when you might release the next update?
Thank you!
I work on the Command Line version so batching is possible. I hope to release it to the end of the current week
Kind Regards,
AMAZING! Good luck and thank you!
Hi Alex,
I need to change the Data Levels from Video to Full on an op1a MXF. That would be a huge life saver, as I have a 1.4tb 4K file that I can’t use in Premiere to convert to ProRes 422 HQ 4K because Premiere is interpreting the levels as Video and not full.
Any update on MXF Metadata? Thanks!
I`m really short on time these months. I`ll try my best to add minimal MXF meta next couple of weeks but cannot promise. The middle of November sounds quite possible under current conditions
Thank you, Alex! Appreciate all your work!